Friday, February 26, 2016

Ocean Acidification Infographic

   The increase of CO2 emissions has created a negative effect on the ocean. Causing the pH level to go down and the ocean water to become more acidic. Due to ocean acidification it has negatively altered the habitats of coral reefs, causing it to become bleached and unusable by many species, therefore decreasing biodiversity. As a result of this, a negative impact on the fishing economy has occurred, making it more difficult for fishermen to fish and make a living. If trends do not change the ocean’s environment will become hostile to life.   

Kahn, Brain. “Hot Oceans Are Killing Coral Reefs Around the World.” Climate Central. Climate Central, 8 Oct. 2015. Web. 25 Mar. 2016.

In this picture it compares the before and after of acidification in oceans. As shown, when the pH level becomes more acidic it can cause coral bleaching within reefs. Coral reefs are one the most diverse ecosystems in the world and when they are damaged like this it can cause many negative effects to the species.

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